Q4 Check-up & Tax Moves

It’s time to look back over this year and towards the next to adjust your planning. What tax moves should you make before the end of the year? And what moves should you plan for next year? Are your investments well aligned to meet your spending goals, or are you exposing yourself to unnecessary lifestyle risk? This and more… Continue reading

Time To Make Roth IRA Conversions

Stock and bond markets have taken sharp declines in 2022. The depressed prices make it a great time for you to consider converting some of your tax-deferred assets in your IRA or similar retirement plans into a tax-free Roth IRA. When markets recover, the gains will occur in the Roth IRA and be tax-free… Continue reading

Smartly Using Retirement Accounts to Optimize Your Retirement & Tax Savings

Are you looking for ways to accelerate your savings right before retirement? How do you determine whether to save Roth or Pretax? What type of retirement account should you be using? In short, how can you use the myriad tax-advantaged accounts to optimize your retirement savings and tax advantages? All this and more… Continue reading

Should I Sell a Stock with a Large Taxable Gain? (Part 3)

Have you acquired stock over time and seen it significantly rise in value over time? What should you do? Let it ride? Or should you sell, pay taxes, and reinvest in a more diversified fashion? Let’s consider some transition strategies to mitigate the tax bit to become more diversified. Continue reading

Should I Sell a Stock with a Large Taxable Gain? (Part 2)

Have you acquired stock over time and seen it significantly rise in value over time? Now you have large, embedded capital gains and a more concentrated portfolio. Should you sell, pay taxes, and reinvest in a more diversified portfolio, or let it ride? Continue reading