Is the Fear of Running Out of Money in Retirement Overblown?

Hear Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, discuss why non-retirees may be more fearful than needed, the role of Social Security, and how age-based spending patterns contribute to the relative success of sustaining a retirement lifestyle. Continue reading

Trends in Social Security Claiming Ages

As your retirement approaches, understanding Social Security claiming strategies is crucial for maximizing benefits and ensuring financial stability even for financially successful families. Claiming Trends If you’re considering retirement, you likely know that you can claim reduced retirement benefits as … Continue reading

When Taking Social Security Early Makes Sense

Join us on this eye-opening episode of Retire Smarter as Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP® delves into the intriguing world of Social Security benefits. While delaying your benefit is often the obvious choice, we challenge conventional wisdom and explore scenarios where taking Social Security early can actually be a smart financial move. Continue reading

Social Security’s Uncertain Future & Impacts On Your Retirement

We’ve all heard about Social Security’s funding troubles. Is this why some decide to start benefits early? If Social Security were reduced, can it make sense to defer claiming? Hear Tyler Emrick discuss these topics as well as other recent proposals from Congress and academics that may impact the system. Continue reading