Understanding Your Social Security Statement

When you get serious about crafting a solid retirement plan, you need to understand how to read your Social Security statement. If you have yet to claim your retirement benefit, get your most recent statement online at www.ssa.gov/myaccount and continue reading. Continue reading

Social Security’s Solvency & Likely Reforms

Social Security’s future solvency is a regular discussion point when consid­ering your retirement planning. It is common to think your benefit will be reduced from what is shown on your statement. Yet, that position is often taken without good information … Continue reading

Ep 5: Rules Gone Awry – Take Social Security Early

There’s an old school of thought that says you should take social security as early as you can so that you can get the most out of it. But this is another one of those retirement rules gone awry that we enjoy picking apart on the podcast. Kevin will tell us why this retirement “rule” needs to be scraped and give us the proper lens through which to view the social security problem. Continue reading