
Ep 16: Retirement Income Planning Series – Part 1

For many people, one of the biggest fears going into retirement is where money will come from when you’re no longer receiving a paycheck. That’s why creating a retirement income plan is so essential. Join us as we go over the basic strategies for building a retirement income plan on this first episode of the series. Continue reading

Ep 15: Integrated Advice Is Better Advice

When it comes to building a holistic retirement plan, all of the individual pieces should be working together harmoniously, whether that’s planning, investing, or taxes. Let’s talk about why integrated advice is often hard to come by, and why it’s crucial to building a successful retirement plan. Continue reading

Ep 14: Expected Investment Return Forecasts

You’ve likely heard that making short-term predictions about the market is just about impossible, but what about long-term predictions? Can experts accurately anticipate what will happen over the next 10 years? Kevin discusses a recent Morningstar article by Christine Benz about what you can take away from long-term stock and bond return predictions. Continue reading

Ep 13: Deconstructing Variable Annuities & Why Commissions Drive Their Sale

If you listened to Episode #12, you heard the rundown on just about every type of annuity except the variable annuity. So what exactly is involved in a variable annuity? Why is it almost like a four-letter word to so many in the retirement community? Kevin will give you the details on what these annuities do, what you should look out for, and if there ever truly is a reason you would want to invest in one. Continue reading

Ep 12: Behind The Curtain Of Annuities And Free Steak Dinners

Have you ever received an invitation to attend a steak dinner seminar event to learn about a financial product? Were you pitched an annuity? This is a popular phenomenon in the financial advising world and it’s one that drives Kevin a little crazy. Join us on this episode as we take a peek behind the annuity curtain and talk about what’s really happening at these free steak dinners. Continue reading