
Ep 46: Rebalancing Your Portfolio: Why, How & Complexities to Overcome

Control risk? Buy low and sell high? Higher returns? Who doesn’t all of these in their portfolio! And that’s what portfolio rebalancing can do. While rebalancing sounds simple in theory it quickly gets complex in practice. Hear Kevin describe rebalancing from the simple to complex. Continue reading

Ep 45: Retire Smarter Solution™

Suppose you have to have surgery. Does exploratory surgery sound good, or does a pre-determined surgical plan sound better? Having a plan and a repeatable process sounds less risky.

The same goes for retirement. Retirement spending. Health Insurance. Social Security. Investing. Taxes. These are all key and complex areas where you need to make smart decisions for retirement. Listen to Kevin describe True Wealth’s Retire Smarter Solution that aligns your money to your goals, overlaid with tax-smart strategies, so you can retire with confidence. Continue reading

Ep 43: Financial Planning To-do’s During Market Declines

It’s not all bad news out there. Many opportunities are being created that you can capitalize on. Hear Kevin give an update on the current state of the markets and financial planning to-do’s that need to be done through the Coronavirus turmoil. Continue reading

Ep 42: This Is Not 2008

We’re in a crisis … different from 2008. The pandemic and prudent, social-distancing response is causing fear, uncertainty, and now panic in financial markets. Listen to Kevin explain the current state of the markets and how this crisis is currently materially different from 2008. Be sure to pay attention to why — from a financial perspective — our country is better positioned to navigate through these troubled times by dusting off 2008’s playbook, and what you need to do to keep your plan on track. Continue reading