Ep 98: Interview with Retirement Researcher Dr. Michael Finke – Part 2

Listen to Kevin and Michael chat about a wide range of key retirement issues, the research behind them, as well as current topics: Life expectancy differences for average vs. wealthy people, what makes a retiree happy, why Social Security is such a good deal, how inflation impacts retirees differently than workers, why the current market environment contains much bad news for retirees, and much more.  Continue reading

Ep 97: Interview with Retirement Researcher Dr. Michael Finke – Part 1

Listen to Kevin and Michael chat about a wide range of key retirement issues, the research behind them, as well as current topics: Life expectancy differences for average vs. wealthy people, what makes a retiree happy, why Social Security is such a good deal, how inflation impacts retirees differently than workers, why the current market environment contains much bad news for retirees, and much more.  Continue reading

Ep 96: Rules Gone Awry – Retirement Healthcare Is Exorbitant

In this episode, Kevin turns the tables on a handful of common misconceptions about health care costs in retirement. Find out the truth about what health coverage and long-term care actually might cost and how you can factor them into your overall retirement plan. Continue reading

How Early Retirees Can Get A BIG Health Insurance Tax Credit

Many early retirees find they must utilize Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) policies to bridge the gap from employer-provided health insurance to Medicare at age 65. ACA policies are expensive but even affluent families may be able to obtain … Continue reading

How to Get A $16,168 Tax Credit On Obamacare Even If You Are Affluent

Many early retirees find they must utilize Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) policies to bridge the gap from employer-provided health insurance to Medicare at age 65. ACA policies are expensive but even affluent families may be able to obtain significant tax credits to offset premiums. Continue reading