
Recession Timing & Stock Market Returns

If you could time the beginning and end of a recession exactly by getting out and then back into the stock market, would you be better off? Listen to yler Emrick, CFA®, CFP® discuss what history shows and more. You might be surprised by the answer. Continue reading

Social Security’s Uncertain Future & Impacts On Your Retirement

We’ve all heard about Social Security’s funding troubles. Is this why some decide to start benefits early? If Social Security were reduced, can it make sense to defer claiming? Hear Tyler Emrick discuss these topics as well as other recent proposals from Congress and academics that may impact the system. Continue reading

Widowed in Retirement – How to Plan for the Financial Changes

Losing a spouse is difficult. Losing a spouse that handles your household finances is devastating. Hear Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, discuss what you need to know to ensure your household is in good financial shape after you pass and how True Wealth Design helps families when they need it the most – after a loss of a loved one. Continue reading

Faulty Retirement Assumptions

A solid retirement plan starts with making reasonable assumptions on myriad items — your retirement lifestyle and its associated spending and what you can reasonably expect from your investments to just name a few. Poor assumptions will get you off on the wrong foot and may force you to make severe and undesirable lifestyle reductions to get back on track. Continue reading

Bank Busts & Safeguards for Your Investment Funds

Hear Kevin detail key investor protections you benefit from by not having your account a general liability of a bank but a segregated account under custody at either a bank or brokerage as well as providing a brief perspective of what happened at Silicon Valley Bank. Continue reading