
How to Plan for RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions)

In this podcast, hear Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, delve into the often misunderstood world of Required Minimum Dis-tributions (RMDs). Join us as we uncover the essential strategies and tips to help you navigate RMDs and make informed decisions for a secure and fulfilling retirement. Continue reading

Goals for Financial Success In 2024

Each year, about two-thirds of Americans plan on making a financial-related New Year’s resolution for the year ahead, with just over 80% of them bailing on that resolution before January ends.  Don’t bail on your financial resolution! Continue reading

When Taking Social Security Early Makes Sense

Join us on this eye-opening episode of Retire Smarter as Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP® delves into the intriguing world of Social Security benefits. While delaying your benefit is often the obvious choice, we challenge conventional wisdom and explore scenarios where taking Social Security early can actually be a smart financial move. Continue reading

Constructing a Portfolio in Retirement

On this episode, hear Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, dive into these questions and, more broadly, how you should think about asset allocation — aka your “investment recipe”. Pay special attention to how aligning your financial life planning and your goals to your investment decisions is a critical step many misunderstand or overlook.  Continue reading