
True Wealth Design blog and news

When Should You Start Seriously Planning For Retirement?

Over the years in my practice as a Certified Financial Planner™ Professional, I had clients in their 30s when it made sense to hire me. I’ve had others in their 50s where I told them to come back in a few years or when a specific event occurred. Alas, mom was correct. We are special, unique snowflakes.

Nevertheless, these principles apply… Continue reading

Why Small, Cheap Stocks Still Make Sense

When Nobel winner Eugene Fama studied the long-term performance of U.S. equities in the early 1990s, he found that stock returns had decreased with size and cost. The smallest, cheapest companies had provided higher investment returns than the biggest, costliest firms.

Though initially counter-intuitive to many – why wouldn’t you want to invest in the biggest and best companies? – it made sense. Large-growth stocks were safer economic choices, operating reliable businesses well-positioned to survive recessions. Thus, they were handsomely valued, at prices that limited their potential for future increases. Continue reading

Understanding Your Social Security Statement

When you get serious about crafting a solid retirement plan, you need to understand how to read your Social Security statement. If you have yet to claim your retirement benefit, get your most recent statement online at and continue reading. Continue reading

Top-Dog Investments & The Winner’s Curse

When you are shopping for a new car, you compare price and attempt to get the best value for your dollar. Same too for real estate purchases or about anything else you can think of. Well, except investments. Continue reading

Dividends Slashed In The Time of COVID

Many investors view dividend payouts as a reliable source of income. However, many have been surprised to see lower-than-expected dividend payouts following the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Yet, historical data show that changes in dividend policy are common, especially … Continue reading