Investment Market Observations: Concentration & Valuation
Markets are funny. After all, they’re comprised of people who themselves do funny, nonsensical things from time to time. In 2023, tech stocks have come out of their 2022 shellacking and have again been soaring. Questions swirl. Can the outperformance … Continue reading
Retirement Nest Egg: Having Enough & Making Sure It Lasts
The emotions and questions seem to come from everywhere and out of nowhere as you inevitability approach retirement. Even the most prepared will ask, second guess, and then ask again: Do I have enough to retire? How do I ensure it lasts? Continue reading
Predictions of the US Dollar’s Demise & Potential Investment Implications
The United States dollar’s (USD) dominance is significant. More recently, BRICS nations have contemplated the creation of alternative currencies to challenge the USD’s hegemony. What is the risk to investors? Continue reading
Avoid Losing $17K Yearly From Bad Investment Decisions
Surprise! Another robust study showed investors are still underperforming and making bad investment decisions. Morningstar released its yearly “Mind the Gap” study last month, showing investors have lost on average 1.7% yearly — that’s $17,000 on a $1,000,000 portfolio — over the last decade. Why so and how can we stop the madness?! Continue reading
Should Retirees Change Their Portfolio Strategy Based On Predictions of the US Dollar’s Demise?
Here it comes again… F. E. A. R. This time manifest from headlines of the U.S. dollar’s demise as a reserve currency, spiraling inflation, low growth and an expressway to investment-return hell. Continue reading
How Tax-Smart Income Targeting Can Allow You To Save Taxes & Retire Earlier
Peel back the onion on income targeting – a critical part of a successful retiree’s overall Tax-Smart Distribution Planning. Learn how this type of planning, coupled with careful “Asset Location” decisions, can save a lot in tax over a multitude of years, allowing you to potentially retire earlier, spend more, or give more. Continue reading
Artificial Intelligence & Its Investment Implications
If you were to poll strangers on what comes to mind when they hear the term artificial intelligence or AI, I suspect the most likely answer would be ChatGPT. The generative chat program launched in 2022 seems to have drawn … Continue reading
Income Targeting – Should We Even Care About IRMAA?
Hear Tyler discuss IRMAA and its impact on your tax-smart retirement income planning. And be sure to pay attention to the broader framework of how to think about income targeting, which we’ll dive into in more detail in an upcoming episode. Continue reading
Do You Have Unrealistic Portfolio Return Expectations?
In this episode, Tyler Emrick CFA®, CFP® explores the disconnect between some investors’ return expectations. Learn common mistakes people make and traps they may then fall into. Continue reading
Improving Your Life By Eating An Elephant
We tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in the short-term and underestimate what we can accomplish in the long-term. Eating an elephant is a bite at a time. Health, wellness, and financial wellbeing are areas where the elephant often tramples goals. It’s easy to start down a desired path but get derailed. If you use these science-based strategies, you’ll set better goals and be more likely to achieve them. Continue reading