Blog and Podcast

The Recent Market Roller Coaster

There are two kinds of investors in this world.  One type pays close attention to the daily (and sometimes hourly) flood of information, looking for a reason (any reason) to jump in or out of the markets.  The other kind … Continue reading

The Savvy Investor’s Chi

In many areas of life, intense activity and constant monitoring of results represent the path to success. In investment, that approach gets turned on its head. The Chinese philosophy of Taoism has a word for it: “wuwei.” It literally means … Continue reading

The Most Difficult Part of Financial Planning

In this age of ever-expanding technology, the data-gathering process for a financial plan has gradually become less complicated and intrusive.  However, a great deal of hard work still falls on the shoulders of financial planning clients.  People still have to … Continue reading

Deceptive Advisor Marketing: Manipulated Investment Performance

Deceptive Advisor Marketing: Manipulated Investment Performance Investment advisors have pioneered clever ways to make themselves look far better than they actually are.  Some of these practices were recently exposed in “Debunking Deceptive Sales Pitches” published the Journal of Financial Planning. … Continue reading

Even The Best Have Difficulty Timing The Market

The investment community lost one of its more colorful characters earlier this year with the passing of Martin F. Zweig, a Cleveland native and prominent market pundit, author, and chairman of Zweig-DiMenna Associates LLC, a New York investment firm. His … Continue reading

Sustaining Lifetime Income Throughout Retirement

An estimated 10,000 people are retiring every day, and this unprecedented surge of new retirees is expected to last for the next 17 years.  Most will roll their retirement plan assets into an IRA account, and that money plus Social … Continue reading

2012 Economic and Investment Predictions: How Did They Do?

One of the more interesting myths in the investment world is that large financial institutions, with their access to mountains of data pored over by teams of staff economists, can determine where the markets are going and profit accordingly.  Gullible … Continue reading

“Real” Financial Planning As Told By The Goldbanded Jobfish

Recent headline stories revealed that fish mislabeling was rampant through the U.S and as high as 40%-60%. Consumers thought they were buying red snapper but were receiving tile fish, porgy, or the delicious-sounding goldbanded jobfish—a hard-working fish indeed. No offense … Continue reading

True Wealth Design Client Survey Results

We conducted our first Client Audit in October 2012 with the help of Advisor Impact, an independent industry consultant. The goal of the survey was to gain a better understanding of our client’s needs and to ensure that the service … Continue reading

Considering Fixed Income In Your Investment Portfolio

Fixed income can play an important role in an investment portfolio. But its role may vary according to an investor’s financial needs and concerns. For example, many investors look to fixed income for safety, income, and more stability in their … Continue reading